
Hi! I’m Sarah. I’m a bioinformatics scientist in Dr. Benjamin Vincent’s lab at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill. I work on novel immunogenomics tools with a focus on reproducible work flows. My primary languages are R, python & bash.

I earned an MS in Bioinformatics at Northern Illinois University in the laboratory of Dr. Yanbin Yin (now @ the University of Nebraska Lincoln). My thesis work used bioinformatics tools and work flows to investigate various microbial species. After graduate school, I switched to exploring how computational tools can answer various immunological questions in oncology data. My interest lies in the development of work flows others can utilize with minimal computational experience. I thrive in learning through sharing ideas in a collaborative environment.

In my free time, I enjoy running & reading. I also enjoy exploring North Carolina looking for more pictures of cool fungi (#FungusAmongUs)!