
2021 ¶

Smith CC, Olsen KS, Gentry KM, Sambade M, Beck W, Garness J, Entwistle S, Willis C, Vensko S, Woods A, Fini M, Carpenter B, Routh E, Kodysh J, O’Donnell T, Haber C, Heiss K, Stadler V, Garrison E, Sandor AM, Ting JPY, Weiss J, Krajewski K, Grant OC, Woods RJ, Heise M, Vincent BG, Rubinsteyn A. Landscape and Selection of Vaccine Epitopes in SARS-CoV-2. Genome Medicine. Link

2020 ¶

Smith C, Entwistle S, Willis C, Vensko S, Beck W, Garness J, Sambade M, Routh E, Olsen K, Carpenter B, Gentry K, Fadri M, Fini M, Washington A, Kodysh J, O’Donnell T, Haber C, Heiss K, Stadler V, Garrison E, Grant O, Woods R, Heise M, Vincent B, Rubinsteyn A. 478 Translation of a therapeutic neoantigen vaccine workflow to SARS-CoV-2 vaccine development. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer. Link **

Bortone D, Vensko S, Entwistle S, Cogdill A, Monette A, Najjar Y, Sweis R, Tschernia N, Wennerberg E, Bommareddy P, Haymaker C, Khan U, McGee H, Park W, Sater H, Spencer C, Ascierto M, Barsan V, Popat V, Valpione S, Wells D, Thorsson V, Zappasodi R, Rudqvist N, Vincent B. 75 Generalizability of potential biomarkers of response to CTLA-4 and PD-1 blockade therapy in cancer. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer. Link **

2019 ¶

Yin Y, Yang B, Entwistle S. Bioinformatics identification of Anti-CRISPR loci by using homology, Guilt-by-Association, and CRISPR Self-Targeting spacer approaches. mSystems. Link

Entwistle S, Li X, Yin Y. Orphan genes shared by pathogenic genomes are more associated with bacterial pathogenicity. mSystems. Link

Cary JW, Entwistle S, Satterlee T, Mack BM, Gilbert MK, Chang PK, Scharfenstein L, Yin Y, Calvo AM. The transcriptional regulator Hbx1 affects the expression of thousands of genes in the aflatoxin-producing fungus Aspergillus flavus. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. Link

Yin Y, Fitzek E, Orton L, Entwistle S, Grayburn SW, Ausland C, Duvall MR. Cell wall enzymes in Zygnema circumcarinatum UTEX 1559 respond to osmotic stress in a plant-like fashion. Frontiers in Plant Science. Link

Satterlee T, Entwistle S, Yin Y, Cary JW, Lebar M, Losada L, Calvo AM. rmtA-Dependent Transcriptome and Its Role in Secondary Metabolism, Environmental Stress, and Virulence in Aspergillus flavus. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. Link

Entwistle S. Practical Bioinformatics Applications in Microbes. Northern Illinois University. Link

2018 ¶

Zhang H, Yohe T, Huang L, Entwistle S, Wu P, Yang Z, Busk PK, Xu Y, Yin Y. dbCAN2: a meta server for automated carbohydrate-active enzyme annotation. Nucleic Acids Research. Link

Huang L, Zhang H, Wu P, Entwistle S, Li X, Yohe T, Yi H, Yang Z, Yin Y. dbCAN-seq: a database of carbohydrate-active enzyme (CAZyme) sequence and annotation. Nucleic Acids Research. Link

** signifies abstract