I’m going to use some early data from the first week of #TidyTuesday to do a comparison of different methods for making a heat map. The three packages I’m going to compare are ggplot2, pheatmap, & ComplexHeatmap.
The first package I’m going to look at is ggplot2, an integral part of the tidyverse.** You can create a heat map in ggplot2 using geom_tile()
. One of the pros of making any type of plot in ggplot2 is it plays well with other types of plots made in ggplot2. This allows you to combine many different types of plots into a single figure in a pretty straight forward fashion (for example, a heat map & a bar plot together). They all follow a similar pattern so once you get the hang of how to make one type of plot, you can apply those principles to other types of plots. The only big negative I can think of for making heat maps in ggplot2 is it’s a bit more difficult to cluster your data. It’s not impossible, but it’s quite a bit of extra work as compared to other packages.
Let’s start by creating a heat map of our data in ggplot2. In Part 2 & Part 3 of this post, I’ll recreate that plot using pheatmap & https://jokergoo.github.io/ComplexHeatmap-reference/book/.
** To clarify, calling ggplot2 a heat map package is trivializing the sheer number of things you can do with it. However, in this case, we’re only interested in the heat map capabilities.
A quick description of our data. ¶
This data is the average in-state tuition & fees for one year of full time study at a public 4 year institution for each state from the 2004-2005 school year to 2015-2016. You can download the data here.
Let’s get started! First, let’s load the libraries we’re going to use.
Next, I want to read in the file we’re going to get our data from. I saved it to my Github so I’ll have it for future use. Also, this way I can read it in from anywhere. I’m using read_csv() to read the file into an object named df. Then we can use df to see what our data looks like.
df = read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sapo83/TidyTuesday/master/2018/TT.20180403/us.avg.tuition.noCR.csv")
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## cols(
## State = col_character(),
## `2004-05` = col_character(),
## `2005-06` = col_character(),
## `2006-07` = col_character(),
## `2007-08` = col_character(),
## `2008-09` = col_character(),
## `2009-10` = col_character(),
## `2010-11` = col_character(),
## `2011-12` = col_character(),
## `2012-13` = col_character(),
## `2013-14` = col_character(),
## `2014-15` = col_character(),
## `2015-16` = col_character()
## )
## # A tibble: 50 x 13
## State `2004-05` `2005-06` `2006-07` `2007-08` `2008-09` `2009-10` `2010-11`
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 Alabama $5,683 $5,841 $5,753 $6,008 $6,475 $7,189 $8,071
## 2 Alaska $4,328 $4,633 $4,919 $5,070 $5,075 $5,455 $5,759
## 3 Arizona $5,138 $5,416 $5,481 $5,682 $6,058 $7,263 $8,840
## 4 Arkans… $5,772 $6,082 $6,232 $6,415 $6,417 $6,627 $6,901
## 5 Califo… $5,286 $5,528 $5,335 $5,672 $5,898 $7,259 $8,194
## 6 Colora… $4,704 $5,407 $5,596 $6,227 $6,284 $6,948 $7,748
## 7 Connec… $7,984 $8,249 $8,368 $8,678 $8,721 $9,371 $9,827
## 8 Delawa… $8,353 $8,611 $8,682 $8,946 $8,995 $9,987 $10,534
## 9 Florida $3,848 $3,924 $3,888 $3,879 $4,150 $4,783 $5,511
## 10 Georgia $4,298 $4,492 $4,584 $4,790 $4,831 $5,550 $6,428
## # … with 40 more rows, and 5 more variables: 2011-12 <chr>, 2012-13 <chr>,
## # 2013-14 <chr>, 2014-15 <chr>, 2015-16 <chr>
So far everything looks good! The first thing I want to do is remove the dollar signs & the commas from each value. This will make it easier to work with.
Let’s break the command down. gsub()
is used to substitute a pattern with a new pattern. The general pattern is gsub("old_pattern", "new_pattern", object)
. Here I’m looking for either a dollar sign or comma [$,]
& replacing it with nothing ""
. I’m using lapply()
to apply this function to each column. Here the x
represents the argument being passed to the function. In this case the argument is a column from my data frame as a list. I wrap the whole command in as.data.frame()
so that the returned object is a data frame.
df = as.data.frame(lapply(df, function (x) {gsub("[$,]", "", x)}))
## State X2004.05 X2005.06 X2006.07 X2007.08 X2008.09 X2009.10 X2010.11
## 1 Alabama 5683 5841 5753 6008 6475 7189 8071
## 2 Alaska 4328 4633 4919 5070 5075 5455 5759
## 3 Arizona 5138 5416 5481 5682 6058 7263 8840
## 4 Arkansas 5772 6082 6232 6415 6417 6627 6901
## 5 California 5286 5528 5335 5672 5898 7259 8194
## 6 Colorado 4704 5407 5596 6227 6284 6948 7748
## X2011.12 X2012.13 X2013.14 X2014.15 X2015.16
## 1 8452 9098 9359 9496 9751
## 2 5762 6026 6012 6149 6571
## 3 9967 10134 10296 10414 10646
## 4 7029 7287 7408 7606 7867
## 5 9436 9361 9274 9187 9270
## 6 8316 8793 9293 9299 9748
Next, I need this data frame to be in long format instead of wide.
A bit about long versus wide. ¶
Generally, to plot data using ggplot the data needs to be in long format. This means one observation in each row. This also means a single subject with multiple measurements will have multiple rows in the data frame. In our melted data frame, you can see each state (the subject) has multiple rows. Each row corresponds to a single measurement (tuition for a specific academic year).
When a single subject has one row with multiple measurements then the data is in wide format. In our original data frame, each row had one state (the subject) with multiple measurements in each row (each column represents one measurement).
Here I’m going to use melt()
from the reshape2 package. Another option is pivot_longer()
from the tidyr package. tidyr is loaded as part of the tidyverse library. Here is a vignette to learn more about pivot_longer()
and pivot_wider()
In the melt, I used variable = "Years"
to specify the variable column to be named Years. I used value.name = "Tuition"
to specify that I want the value column named Tuition.
Along with the melt, I also want to correct how the years are written. After the melt, the “Years” column looks like X2005.06
. I don’t like that. Again, I’m using gsub()
as a find and replace. I nested two gsub()
commands to first replace the X
with nothing & then replace the .
with -20
Last thing! After the melt, “Tuition” is changed to a character column. This interferes with plotting our data later. In the mutate()
call, I’m going to use as.numeric()
to change it back to a number.
Now everything looks better!
melted_df = reshape2::melt(df, id.vars = "State", variable = "Years",
value.name = "Tuition") %>%
mutate(Years = gsub("[.]", "-20", gsub("X", "", Years)), Tuition = as.numeric(Tuition))
## State Years Tuition
## 1 Alabama 2004-2005 5683
## 2 Alaska 2004-2005 4328
## 3 Arizona 2004-2005 5138
## 4 Arkansas 2004-2005 5772
## 5 California 2004-2005 5286
## 6 Colorado 2004-2005 4704
Now that we have our melted data frame, let’s make a heat map!
ggplot(data = melted_df, aes(x = Years, y = State, fill = Tuition)) +
Not bad! One of the first things I noticed is that y axis is out of order. I’d like to see those states in alphabetical order. We can use fct_rev()
to reverse the order.
ggplot(data = melted_df, aes(x = Years, y = fct_rev(State), fill = Tuition)) +
Better! Next I want to rotate the x axis labels so they are more readable. We can do this using a call to theme()
. We specify axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1)
to rotate the labels & then center them on the tick mark.
ggplot(data = melted_df, aes(x = Years, y = fct_rev(State), fill = Tuition)) +
geom_tile() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1))
Last up, I want to change the color palette & relabel the axes. I really like the “red, yellow, blue” palette from ColorBrewer. I adapted it here to use as a continuous scale. To relabel the axes, I use a call to lab()
cols = colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(11, "RdYlBu")))
ggplot(data = melted_df, aes(x = Years, y = fct_rev(State), fill = Tuition)) +
geom_tile() +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = cols(11)) +
labs(y = "State",
x = "Years",
fill = "Tuition ($)") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1))
That looks good! I’m going to call this done! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter. Head over to Part 2 or Part 3.